Ana Carolina Lopes, Junior-Entrepreneure Brésilienne en visite à Lille

Publié le 11/02/2019, dans Actualités par Justin Sabaté

     Ana Carolina Lopes, Junior-Entrepreneure de EJEC, une Junior-Entreprise de Curitiba au Brésil, est venue à Lille en Janvier pour découvrir et échanger sur nos pratiques en Junior. Il faut savoir que le Brésil accueille le plus grand mouvement de Junior-Entrepreneurs au monde avec plus de 320 structures et plus de 11 000 membres.Voici son témoignage suite à son passage à Centrale Lille Projets :               

"The Junior Enterprise Movement is the biggest network of young entrepreneurs in the world. For this reason, it not only gives the junior entrepreneurs the opportunity to experience business in real life but also to connect with other people with similar experiences and the same purpose of developing the entrepreneurship and, by this and by the projects we make, creating a positive impact on society.              

In my point of view, this possibility of exchanging information, challenges and achievements is essential for our development as junior entrepreneurs and Junior Enterprises, because it gives us the opportunity to learn from others’ background and having a different point of view of our reality. Besides that, I believe that exploring new ambiences and different cultures show us how plural the world is and help us to personally grow.               

For those reasons, I was really pleased by the opportunity to participate to the Junior Exchange Program, during which I could spend a week on Centrale Lille Projets.               

I came to France with the expectation of enjoying the program as much as possible by sharing my reality with the members of Centrale Lille Projets and helping them with a different perspective and also by learning new things and having new ideas that I could take to my Junior Enterprise (EJEQ).

During this time, I had the chance to know CLP better by going to their meetings, having conversations with members from different areas and participating to some internal activities. I have also had many opportunities to share my experience in the Brazilian movement and as a commerce manager in EJEQ.

I now come back to Brazil really glad for having lived here one of the most interesting experiences I have had in my life, with new ideas and I the hope that I could have left a good mark here. Furthermore, I come back with de certainty that now both EJEQ and CLP have a new connection from the other side of the ocean."



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